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Cornell University

Dogwood & Common Shrubs

Plants found on this walk:

Showing 1-30 of 33 items.
Botanical NameCommon NameLocation
Spiraea x vanhoutteiVanhoutte Spireatree-icon Fernow steps
Spiraea nipponicaNippon Spireatree-icon Behind Warren, backing onto protruding classroom
Spiraea nipponicaNippon Spireatree-icon Front of Fernow
Spiraea japonica (or x bumalda)Japanese Spireatree-icon On Tower in front of Kennedy
Spiraea japonica (or x bumalda)Japanese Spireatree-icon Conservatory Garden
Spiraea japonica (or x bumalda)Japanese Spireatree-icon West side of Plant Science
Rhodotypos scandensJetbeadtree-icon Behind Fernow
Rhodotypos scandensJetbeadtree-icon top of the Boomerang Garden
Rhodotypos scandensJetbeadtree-icon top of the Boomerang Garden
Hypericum prolificumShrubby St. Johnsworttree-icon In front of Roberts on Bailey side ,north end
Hypericum prolificumShrubby St. Johnsworttree-icon in front of Kennedy on Tower
Eleutherococcus sieboldianusVariegated Five Leaf Araliatree-icon Malott garden
Eleutherococcus sieboldianusVariegated Five Leaf Araliatree-icon in Front of Comstock
Diervilla spp.Dwarf Bush Honeysuckletree-icon Front of Roberts Hall
Diervilla spp.Dwarf Bush Honeysuckletree-icon In Conservatory garden
Deutzia gracilisSlender Deutziatree-icon Malott
Deutzia gracilisSlender Deutziatree-icon Near bus stop in front of Kennedy
Deutzia gracilisSlender Deutziatree-icon In Conservatory Gardden
Cornus sericea or albaRed Twig Dogwood; Redosier Dogwood; Tatarian Dogwoodtree-icon Front of Mann
Cornus sericea or albaRed Twig Dogwood; Redosier Dogwood; Tatarian Dogwoodtree-icon Near president's garden
Cornus sericea or albaRed Twig Dogwood; Redosier Dogwood; Tatarian Dogwoodtree-icon In Bioretention area near Kennedy
Cornus sanguineaBloodtwig Dogwoodtree-icon Roberts at entrance on Bailey Hall side
Cornus sanguineaBloodtwig Dogwoodtree-icon next to conservatory
Cornus sanguineaBloodtwig Dogwoodtree-icon On West side of Plant Science
Cornus racemosaGray Dogwoodtree-icon In ILR courtyard near Clethra barvinervis
Cornus racemosaGray Dogwoodtree-icon On Tower Rd near steps to Statler
Cornus masCorneliancherry Dogwood; Cornelian Cherrytree-icon On Tower slope next to ILR
Cornus masCorneliancherry Dogwood; Cornelian Cherrytree-icon Near Malott Hall
Cornus kousaKousa Dogwoodtree-icon Entrance to Savage
Cornus kousaKousa Dogwoodtree-icon North of AD white house