Species: Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala
(ay'ser tah-ta-ri'cum ssp. gi-nay'lah)

Amur Maple
Found on Course Walks
Map of plant locations
(Plant location data may be incomplete)
In Collection(s):
'Beethoven', 'Durand Dwarf', 'Embers', 'Emerald Elf', 'Flame', 'Mozart', 'Red Fruit', 'Red Rhapsody', 'Rugged Charm'Ornamental Characteristics
Tree < 30 feet
15' - 18' (equal spread)
multi-stem large shrub or small tree; often rounded
One of the most adaptable and cold-hardy maples. Grows in full sun or light shade. Known to naturalize or become problematically invasive in some areas.
Environmental Characteristics
Full sun, Part shade
Can tolerate acid to alkaline soil (pH 5.0 to 8.0)
Tolerates salty soil
fragrant, creamy white flowers in April/May; wings of fruit turn red in Aug/Sept; leaves turn from rich dark green to excellent shades of yellow, orange and red
Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil
See graphic below
Insect Disease
relatively free of problems; occasionally verticillium wilt, bacterial blight, or other maple diseases and insects
Bare Root Transplanting
limb up to expose smooth gray bark for an artistic, sculptural landscape effect . Invasive in the Northeast
Moisture Tolerance Graphic
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Moisture Tolerance