Species: Campsis radicans
(kamp'sis rad'i-kanz)

Common Trumpet Creeper
Found on Course Walks
Map of plant locations
(Plant location data may be incomplete)
In Collection(s):
None Listed
Ornamental Characteristics
30' - 40'
clinging vine
rampant in rich soil; will not grow well in shade
Environmental Characteristics
Full sun
Can tolerate acid to alkaline soil (pH 5.0 to 8.0)
Tolerates salt spray, Tolerates salty soil
rampant in rich soil; will not grow well in shade
Occasionally saturated or very wet soil; Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil; Prolonged periods of dry soil
See graphic below
Insect Disease
not serious but may be affected by blight, leaf spots, powdery mildew, plant hoppers, scale, whitefly
Bare Root Transplanting
easy to grow; needs frequent pruning, native to Midwest US
Moisture Tolerance Graphic
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Moisture Tolerance