Species: Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris
(hye-dran'jee-ah ah-nom'ah-lah ssp. pet-ti-oh-lay'ris)

Climbing Hydrangea
Found on Course Walks
Viburnums, Groundcovers & Vines
Map of plant locations
(Plant location data may be incomplete)
In Collection(s):
None Listed
Ornamental Characteristics
60' - 80'
clinging vine
full sun or shade
Environmental Characteristics
Part shade, Shade
Can tolerate acid to alkaline soil (pH 5.0 to 8.0)
large, fragrant white flowers in June/July; glossy dark green leaves may turn yellow in fall; flaky tan bark
Occasionally saturated or very wet soil; Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil
See graphic below
Insect Disease
none serious
Bare Root Transplanting
native to Japan and China; best transplanted from container; plant parts are poisonous but with little appeal and are not troublesome. Slow growing.
Moisture Tolerance Graphic
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Moisture Tolerance