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Cornell University

Pines et. al.

Plants found on this walk:

Showing 1-26 of 26 items.
Botanical NameCommon NameLocation
Pinus aristata Bristlecone Pinetree-icon President's garden
Pinus bungeana Lacebark Pinetree-icon Near Roberts Hall
Pinus cembraSwiss Stone Pinetree-icon Near Emerson Hall
Pinus cembraSwiss Stone Pinetree-icon near winter garden
Pinus densifloraJapanese Red Pinetree-icon Across from Peterson Lot
Pinus densifloraJapanese Red Pinetree-icon Bottom of Fernow steps
Pinus flexilisLimber Pinetree-icon west side of Caldwell
Pinus flexilisLimber Pinetree-icon Plant Science bldg
Pinus mugoMugo Pine; Swiss Mountain Pinetree-icon Winter Garden
Pinus nigraAustrian Pinetree-icon Group of 3
Pinus parvifloraJapanese White Pinetree-icon Comstock Knoll
Pinus parvifloraJapanese White Pinetree-icon President's garden
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine; Western Yellow Pinetree-icon Near Trillium
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine; Western Yellow Pinetree-icon Corner of Garden and Tower
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine; Western Yellow Pinetree-icon Judd Falls Rd near Plantations
Pinus resinosaRed Pinetree-icon Near Fernow
Pinus resinosaRed Pinetree-icon Judd Falls Rd near Plantations
Pinus rigidaPitch Pine; Northern Pitch Pinetree-icon near path
Pinus strobusEastern White Pinetree-icon Comstock Knoll
Pinus strobusEastern White Pinetree-icon Near Mann Dr.
Pinus sylvestrisScotch Pinetree-icon Along Tower Rd
Pinus wallichiana Himalayan Pinetree-icon top of Comstock Knoll
Pinus wallichiana Himalayan Pinetree-icon Beebee Hall
Sciadopitys verticillataUmbrella Pine; Japanese Umbrella Pinetree-icon Comstock Knoll
Taxus cuspidataJapanese Yewtree-icon Hedge around Minns Garden
Taxus cuspidataJapanese Yewtree-icon Plantations Rd near Comstock Knoll