Cultivar: Golden Elf for Spiraea japonica (or x bumalda)
'Golden Elf' - dwarf spreading form; grows to 10" tall; yellow leaves; pink blooms are produced sporadically; grows to 2' tall and widerOther Cultivars for this plant
'Anthony Waterer', 'Candlelight', 'Coccinea', 'Crispa', 'Dakota Goldcharm', 'Dakota Goldcharm', 'Dart's Red', 'Double Play Artist', 'Double Play Big Bang', 'Double Play Doozie', 'Double Play Gold', 'Double Play Red', 'Golden Elf', 'Golden Princess', 'Goldflame', 'Goldmound', 'Little Princess', 'Magic Carpet', 'Neon Flash', 'Norman', 'Shirobana', 'var. albiflora', 'var. alpina'