Cultivar: Copper Ridges for Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum
'Copper Ridges' - dome shaped, compact shrub; dense, spreading branche; heavily textured new leaves emerge with a copper tint; 2-3″ clusters of white flowers; scarlet red fruits mature to black; copper to dark maroon fall foliageOther Cultivars for this plant
'Cascade', 'Copper Ridges', 'Dart's Red Robin', 'Fireworks', 'Grandiflorum', 'Igloo', 'Kilimanjaro', 'Lanarth', 'Leach's Compacta', 'Mariesii', 'Mary Milton', 'Molly Schroeder', 'Newport', 'Pink Beauty', 'Pink Sensation', 'plicatum', 'Popcorn', 'Shasta', 'Shasta Variegated', 'Shoshoni', 'Shoshoni', 'St. Keverne', 'Summer Snowflake', 'Triumph'