Cultivar: Majestic for Amelanchier spp.

'Majestic' - possibly an A. laevis cultivar; narrow form; vigorous growth; long, drooping racemes with many white flowers; new foliage dark, reddish orange color becoming thick and dark green, as they mature; resistant to heat and humidity; reaching twice the height of prior known A. laevis trees during the same growth periodOther Cultivars for this plant
'Autumn Brilliance', 'Ballerina', 'Cole's Select', 'Cumulus', 'La Paloma', 'Majestic', 'Martin', 'Northline', 'Prince William', 'Princess Diana', 'Rainbow Pillar', 'Reflection', 'Regent', 'Robin Hill', 'Rubescens', 'Smokey', 'Spring Flurry', 'Spring Glory', 'Standing Ovation', 'Thiessen', 'Tradition'