Species: Mahonia aquifolium
(Ma-hoe'ni-ah a-kwi-fo'lee-um)

Oregon Grapeholly
Found on Course Walks
Map of plant locations
(Plant location data may be incomplete)
In Collection(s):
None Listed
Ornamental Characteristics
Shrub 4 to 8 feet
3' - 6' (equal spread)
variable - mounded to upright
broadleaf evergreen; leaves emerge Bright green or bronzy orange turning to dark green in summer, bronze purple in fall; fragrant yellow flowers open in March; grape-like fruit ripen in summer. Occasional tan leaves due to winter damage in full sun.
Environmental Characteristics
Part shade
Can tolerate acid to neutral soil (pH 5.0 to 7.4)
Prefers shade and shelter from winter sun and wind.
Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil
See graphic below
Insect Disease
relatively trouble free; possible problems caused by leaf rusts, leaf spots, leaf scorch, barberry aphid, scale, whitefly
Bare Root Transplanting
native to Pacific Northwest from British Columbia to Oregon; transplant B & B or from container; treat as a groundcover in colder climates; popularized by Lewis and Clark
Moisture Tolerance Graphic
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Moisture Tolerance