Species: Rhododendron catawbiense
(ro-do-den'dron ka-taw-bi-en'see)

Catawba Rhododendron
Found on Course Walks
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In Collection(s):
None Listed
Numerous cultivars with flowers of many colors.
''Lee's Dark Purple' ', 'Anna Rose Whitney', 'Boule De Neige', 'Boursault', 'Catalgla', 'Cheer', 'Chionoides', 'Compactum', 'Cunningham', 'English Roseum', 'Grandiflorum', 'Henry's Red', 'Nova Zembla', 'Purpureum Elegans', 'Roseum Elegans', 'var. album'Ornamental Characteristics
Shrub 4 to 8 feet
6' - 10'
dense shrub; oval-rounded
Broadleaf evergreen; flowers many colors in May/June; dark green foliage.
Environmental Characteristics
Part shade
Requires acid (pH 5.0 to 7.0)
Durable and easy to grow in moist, acid soil.Protect from full summer sun and wind.
Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil
See graphic below
Insect Disease
many: lace-wing fly, black vine and strawberry weevils, borers, twig blight, dieback, wilt; lacebug can be a problem in full sun; susceptible to winter injury
Bare Root Transplanting
Native from mid Atlantic Alleghany mountains through to Georgia in Eastern US. Easy to transplant B & B or from container.
Moisture Tolerance Graphic
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Moisture Tolerance