Species: Syringa reticulata
(si-ring'gah reh-tick'you-lay-tah)

Japanese Tree Lilac
Found on Course Walks
Map of plant locations
(Plant location data may be incomplete)
In Collection(s):
'Cameo Jewel', 'Chantilly Lace', 'Ivory Silk', 'Regent', 'Snow Cap', 'Snowdance', 'Summer Snow'Ornamental Characteristics
Tree < 30 feet
25' - 30' (spread 15' - 25')
oval tree
slow growing
Environmental Characteristics
Full sun
Can tolerate acid to alkaline soil (pH 5.0 to 8.0)
Tolerates salty soil
large, cream colored flowers in late June; suitable for large containers; lustrous brown bark with horizontal lenticels similar to cherry bark; slow growth rate
Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil; Prolonged periods of dry soil
See graphic below
Insect Disease
resistant to powdery mildew; borers and scale may be problematic in warmer regions
Bare Root Transplanting
transplant in spring or fall, native to Northern Japan
Moisture Tolerance Graphic
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Moisture Tolerance