Cultivar: Primrose for Syringa vulgaris
'Primrose' - rounded form; flowers cream, creamy-yellow, or primrose yellow; cool temperatures enhance the yellow coloring; grows to 12' tall and wide in timeOther Cultivars for this plant
'Adelaide Dunbar', 'Alba', 'Andanken an Ludwig Spaeth', 'Beauty of Moscow', 'Belle de Nancy', 'Charles Joly', 'Charm', 'Dappled Dawn', 'Edith Cavell', 'Hope', 'Katherine Havemeyer', 'Lavender Lady', 'Leon Gambetta', 'Miss Ellen Willmott', 'Mme. Lemoine', 'Monge', 'Pres. Grevy', 'President Lincoln', 'Primrose', 'Sensation'