Cultivar: Emerald for Thuja occidentalis
'Emerald' (a.k.a. 'Smaragd', 'Emerald Green') - narrow, compact form; bright green foliage that holds its color well during the winter months; vertically held sprays of foliage; grows to 15' tall x 5' wide; shows excellent cold and heat toleranceOther Cultivars for this plant
'Aurea', 'Berckman's Gold', 'Brobeck's Tower', 'Columbia', 'Columnaris', 'Danica', 'Degroot's Spire', 'Emerald', 'Fire Chief', 'Hetz Midget', 'Holmstrup', 'Konfetti', 'Little Gem', 'Little Giant', 'Lutea', 'Mr. Bowling Ball', 'Nigra', 'Pyramidalis', 'Rheingold', 'Sherwood Frost', 'Techny', 'Wareana', 'Wareana Lutescens', 'Wintergreen', 'Woodwardii'