Cultivar: Berckman's Gold for Thuja occidentalis
'Berckman's Gold' - Semi-globose to oval, semi-dwarf form; light greenish-yellow fern-like vertical sprays tipped in yellow-gold; very little bronzing in the winter; especially well suited for the heat & humidity of the south & southeastOther Cultivars for this plant
'Aurea', 'Berckman's Gold', 'Brobeck's Tower', 'Columbia', 'Columnaris', 'Danica', 'Degroot's Spire', 'Emerald', 'Fire Chief', 'Hetz Midget', 'Holmstrup', 'Konfetti', 'Little Gem', 'Little Giant', 'Lutea', 'Mr. Bowling Ball', 'Nigra', 'Pyramidalis', 'Rheingold', 'Sherwood Frost', 'Techny', 'Wareana', 'Wareana Lutescens', 'Wintergreen', 'Woodwardii'